Now you can holiday without leaving a carbon footprint
We set great store by renewable energy because our environment and nature are a unique gift!
Green slopes, wide meadows and fields, untouched mountain landscapes; caring for this beautiful environment also means being proactive and doing something for it!
Only native timber is used to heat and provide hot water for the whole of Hotel Trenker on Lake Braies. No doubt about it: with us, "a green holiday" really means what it says ...
![Hotel Trenker]()
Woodchip heating
In 2008, after careful research we took the step of installing a state-of-the art woodchip heating system that is the best currently available. In the spring of 2010 we built a building to house the vehicles fleet and store and dry the woodchip on the upper level. And next to it space was created for storing the timber.
Almost everything is now in place for genuinely green holidays in South Tyrol. The timber comes in part from our own wood and in part from neighbouring farmers. Strict laws determine the maximum number of trees that may be felled and natural reafforestation is controlled by the South Tyrol Forestry Commission. This ensures that the carbon dioxide emissions from the burnt woodchip are absorbed by the new trees.
The photovoltaic system
If a new building was built we wanted to make sure it caught the sun. We noted that also the original house was in an almost ideal position, as was normally the case with buildings erected centuries ago. Opting for a photovoltaic system was therefore not a hard decision.
At the end of August 2010 we commissioned the system for our hotel on Lake Braies. The sun now provides us with over 80% of our electric power. For us at Hotel Trenker in Braies this is concrete proof of working with Mother nature. And a further step to genuinely green holidays in the Dolomites.